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On Line

El Lissitzy

MOMA's current exhibition, "On Line"  is a must see for anyone who appreciates art.  Through Feb.7.  Here are some of my favorites.

"Surface TensionThis first section explores artists’ drive to construct and represent movement through line within the flat picture plane, including examples of the Futurist exploration of speed and movement in form around 1910, and the advent of Cubist collage, originating in 1912— considered a first attempt to move from the imaginary surface of representation to the space of the real world."

 Kurt Schwitters

Lyubov Popova 

 Umberto Buccioni

Vasily Kandinsky

"Line Extension - Works in this section play with lines that extend beyond flatness into real space—that is, into social space." 

 Alexander Calder

 Anna Maria Maiolino

 Atsuko Tanaka

 Paul Klee

Paul Klee

"Confluence of Line and Plane - In the exhibition's final section, artists push their lines, both literally and conceptually, out into the “real” world: onto the walls of buildings, into the earth, and into the spaces of our daily life"

 Emily Kam Kngwarray

 Giuseppe Penone

 Gordon Matta-Clark

 Julie Mehretu

 Michelle Stuart

Edith Dekynd